
Been there

: Jo Reffin

Jean: And I’m Jean.

Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Jean: 和漢語一樣,英語語言裏是充滿了成語和口語詞的,所以和了解這些短語和口語詞是非常有用的。尤其這些說法和語言都是英國人日常說到用到的。那Jo,我們今天要來的新詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s word is ‘celeb&rsquo,泰文翻譯; – C.E.L.E.B. – celeb.

Jean: Celeb. 給我們解釋一下好嗎?

Jo: Well, it’s quite simple. A celeb is a celebrity,英翻中, or famous person, a star.

Jean: 原來celeb就是英語口語裏“名人”的意思。

Jo: That’s right. You could say “All the celebs live in Hollywood”.

Jean: 或者你可以問 “Who is your favourite celeb?”


A: Look at the prices on the menu! This restaurant is really expensive!

B: Yes, but lots of celebs e here, that’s why!

Jo: Are you interested in celebs’ private lives, Jean?

Jean: Not really. And you?

Jo: Actually, yes. I really like reading magazines about the lives of celebs, their houses, hobbies etc.

Jean: Really?

Jo: Yes. My favourite celeb is Brad Pitt.

Jean: Why is he so interesting?

Jo: I like his films – and he’s a very handsome celeb!

Jean: Yes I agree.

Jo: Yes, he’s the kind of celeb I like!

Jean: 好了,讓我們來回顧一下,a celeb就是像影星、歌星之類的名人明星。And that’s all we have time for today.

Jo: Yes, that’s all,遠見翻譯. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.


President Bush Discusses the Bipartisan Economic Growth Agreement - 英語演講

January 24, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: This morning my administration reached an agreement with Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Boehner on an economic growth package. Mr. Secretary, thank you for handling negotiations. Appreciate your hard work.

This agreement was the result of intensive discussions, many phone calls, late-night meetings, and the kind of cooperation that some predicted was not possible here in Washington. It also required patience, determination, and good will on all sides. I thank the Speaker and I thank Leader Boehner for their hard work and for their leadership, and for showing the American people that we can e together to help our nation deal with difficult economic challenges.

I am pleased that this agreement meets the criterion that I set forth last week to provide an effective,遠見, robust, and temporary set of incentives that will boost our economy and encourage job creation. This package has the right set of policies and is the right size. The incentives in this package will lead to higher consumer spending and increased business investment this year. Importantly, this package recognizes that lowering taxes is a powerful and efficient way to help consumers and businesses. I have always believed that allowing people to keep more of their own money and to use it as they see fit is the best way to help our economy grow.

I'm also pleased that this agreement does not include any tax increases, as well as unnecessary spending projects that would have little immediate impact on our economy.

I know Americans are concerned about our economic future. Our economy is structurally sound, but it is dealing with short-term disruptions in the housing market and the impact of higher energy prices. These challenges are slowing growth. Yet Americans can also be confident about our long-term outlook. Our economy is strong, it is dynamic, and it is resilient. It has led the world for many decades, and with the right policies in place, including the extension of the tax cuts passed in 2001 and that have helped our economy, I firmly believe we're going to continue to lead the world.

Because the country needs this boost to the economy now,美加, I urge the House and the Senate to enact this economic growth agreement into law as soon as possible,韓文翻譯. We have an opportunity to e together and take the swift, decisive action our economy urgently needs.

Secretary Paulson is here to answer any of your questions. At my request, he has taken the lead in negotiations, like I mentioned, and you did a superb job, Mr. Secretary.

END 2:34 P.M. EST


口譯的三項基本功―鐵嘴.橡皮肚子.飛毛腿 - 技巧心得



一,對目標語的理解不夠。比如說英譯中,有時候我們明明能聽懂外國人說話的意思,可是翻譯成中文的時候就是找不到合適的表達方式,還有一種情況是:明明每一個英文單詞都是最常見的,沒有不認識的,但就是不知道怎麼用中文表達。比如說:The world fears time and time fears pyramid.翻譯成中文意思就是:時間可以改變世界,但是改變不了金字塔。(唯金字塔是永恆的),這句話我在課上問同壆們,僟乎都不知道。

第二,說話者出現口誤。只要是說話就難免會出現口誤,口誤也有兩種,一種是很明顯的,比如把說把某個領導的職務說錯了,“某市長”說成“某省長”,比如說把中國的首都說成是“上海”等一些常識性的錯誤,遇到這些口誤,我們一般都能夠馬上意識到是口誤,進而在翻譯的時候會改過來,避免出現笑話。但是還有一種口誤就屬於隱藏很深的了,比如:把”It's a great pleasure to have met you”說成”It's a great pressure to have met you”,雖一字之差,但要表達的意思是截然相反的,如果我們翻譯的時候注意力不集中,不夠謹慎的話,炤字翻譯,那就要出大問題的。




