
Been there

: Jo Reffin

Jean: And I’m Jean.

Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Jean: 和漢語一樣,英語語言裏是充滿了成語和口語詞的,所以和了解這些短語和口語詞是非常有用的。尤其這些說法和語言都是英國人日常說到用到的。那Jo,我們今天要來的新詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s word is ‘celeb&rsquo,泰文翻譯; – C.E.L.E.B. – celeb.

Jean: Celeb. 給我們解釋一下好嗎?

Jo: Well, it’s quite simple. A celeb is a celebrity,英翻中, or famous person, a star.

Jean: 原來celeb就是英語口語裏“名人”的意思。

Jo: That’s right. You could say “All the celebs live in Hollywood”.

Jean: 或者你可以問 “Who is your favourite celeb?”


A: Look at the prices on the menu! This restaurant is really expensive!

B: Yes, but lots of celebs e here, that’s why!

Jo: Are you interested in celebs’ private lives, Jean?

Jean: Not really. And you?

Jo: Actually, yes. I really like reading magazines about the lives of celebs, their houses, hobbies etc.

Jean: Really?

Jo: Yes. My favourite celeb is Brad Pitt.

Jean: Why is he so interesting?

Jo: I like his films – and he’s a very handsome celeb!

Jean: Yes I agree.

Jo: Yes, he’s the kind of celeb I like!

Jean: 好了,讓我們來回顧一下,a celeb就是像影星、歌星之類的名人明星。And that’s all we have time for today.

Jo: Yes, that’s all,遠見翻譯. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.

