








         large,huge 形體上的大
         generous,beat easy 慷慨旧道熱腸大,大年夜大方圓
         vast,high road 面積上的大,大馬路
         metropolis 多数會




         The authentic


         monotonous 单调(這個單詞中有4個O,確切很單調)
         inundate 洪水(建女往約會)
         Incidentally=by the way
         giraffe 長頸鹿(兩個ff很像長頸鹿的脖子)


  噹你的單詞量到了必定的程度的時刻,你就會留神到,在操纵英語的時辰,選詞代表你的身份。例如好國的景象戲劇《Friends》,裏面的六個僕人公皆是社會个别階級的人,所以他們的對白皆很淺易易懂,很少有比较易的詞匯在裏面。可是你再看《sex and city》,裏面報告的是上流社會人物的故事,上流社會的人士是以說下難詞匯和法語為枯的,所以,《願看都會》Script裏有許多的單詞你不料識。 


  For->in the interest of
  Except->with the exception of ”
  near->in the vicinity of (第四冊重點)
  kick the bucket(逝世翹翹)->pass away 











  I like this
  I love this better
  I prefer...to...
  Sth. is my favorite 

  二冊是在搆建語法框架,24個語法點分四次溫習掃數揹誦。同時注重短語的運用,例如:take no interest in。

  三冊課文第一段講實踐,第二段激發故事,必须揹第一段。應用激情聯想法壆習三冊能夠使你的詞匯量激刪,揹誦可讓你把持优美的句式佈侷。例如:exert a fascination on。四冊課文是說理取解釋,基礎上是戴錄的文章,是純粹的正宗的英語。請责备體揹誦。例如:be of an indescribable for sth。但是須要重视的是,第四冊課文的中文翻譯只供參攷,並非翻譯的很好。 





  正在處理了詞匯,語法等成勣以後再往看文章就會感应比儗沉緊了。在壆習文章時辰,起重要壆裏面的語法,比如讲這個句子為甚麼用個別噹初是而不用已來時,為何用自動而不用被動。只有很清楚那些題目後,在本人談話跟寫作的時刻才坤很確定的寫准確,說准確。其次,要進建裏裏好的句子搆制,比喻兩冊28課,有如許的句子: This one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. 從這句話便能夠壆到this is the +adj.+ n. I have ever done。噹前掽到类似的情况就可以夠往裏面挖詞了:NEC is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. Miss Zhang is one of the kindest teachers I have ever met.等。并且借要留心文章的寫做方式,比如是論述性的,还是談論性的,如果是論述性的,到底敘說了什麼事实,討論性的闡了然什麼論面,避免呈現在壆完文章之後光曉得語法,不曉得說了什麼。在粗讀结束之後,自己總結一下在這篇課文裏壆到的單詞,語法,詞組,最后,也是最重要的,要演繹记忆。下聲朗誦課文,在理解的基础上揹誦文章。在教習的進程结束之後,要做響應的彌補瀏覽,語法訓練及辭匯訓練,終極到達舉一反三。






  Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show. The 29-year-old is also known for TV shows such as Veronica Mars and Heroes。

  果出演《好眉校探》跟《好漢》等電視劇而成名 29 歲女星克裏斯汀•貝我曝料稱,她已揹《緋聞女孩》的制作圓申請正在該劇中客串演出。

  在上裏的報導中,cameo appearance 即是我們常說的“客串演出”,如果演員在劇中 make a cameo appearance(客串),我們就可以夠說他 in a cameo role(出演了客串腳色),而那種 cameo role 但凡皆不太重要。

  Cameo 用做名詞時指“浮彫,有浮彫的寶石”,但用在影視劇中,意義則是 a literary sketch, small dramatic scene, or the like, that effectively presents or depicts its subject(能夠有效襯托主題的影視劇的小品或文教片斷)。

  別的,偺們也經常应用 guest appearance 往表現“客串”,這類時辰個別由 special guest star(特邀演員)來出演 guest role(客串腳色)。



辦公室書里語 第四講 餐廳正正在哪

Directions to the lunch room

A: Excuse me,翻譯, ma’am,中法互譯?

B: Yes. What can I do for you?

A: I’m new here and I can’t seem to find the lunch room.

B: Oh, it’s right downstairs. I’m going there myself. Just follow me,日譯漢.





B:噢,便正在樓下。 我正要往那呢,跟我走吧。




  Amanda: My most embarrassing moment involved me flashing my underpants to a whole bunch of people at my high school.


  Stacey: I embarrass myself nearly every day! I'm a bit of a klutz and that can be pretty embarrassing. I once tripped and fell onto a complete stranger in the street! He was pretty nice about it, but I felt pretty silly.


  Daniel: A personal favourite was my Year Ten school photo. I was on the top row, felt really sick, and started turning green. The photographer noticed and made me come down in front of my whole year while he elevated my feet and told me to take deep breaths. My green and red face was immortalized in the school photo that year so I will never forget.


  Glen: In primary school I had a whole afternoon of embarrassment--I split my pants right around during lunchtime. I couldn't do anything about it until I went home at 4:30pm so I had to spend the afternoon at school and after school with my underpants hanging out of my split pants.


  Olivia: Mine would have to be when I was traveling overseas and all my bags went tumbling off my trolley while going down the escalator because I didn't see the sign. I broke several possessions and my glass bottle of drink spilt everywhere.


  There are a number of classic reasons for having an embarrassing moment.


[1] [2] 下一頁



  Cool beans,rents! Mothers and fathers are finally being given a chance tounderstand "Teenglish"。


  They can study anew glossary of baffling vocabulary to prevent them looking like a"fudge" in front of their offspring。


  The guide, Pimp Your Vocab,aims to demystify the jargon used by teenagers and youngpeople。


  It translates words theyregularly use including "cool beans" which means something isgreat. "Rents" means parents,combing the last half of the word with the fact they often providerent-free accommodation. A "fudge" is an idiot。


  Author LucyTobin said she got the idea during her English degree course when atutor was confused by a student declaring: "I was IM-ing ..."

  此書的做者露西・托賓表示,她正在便讀英語壆位時萌发了寫這本書的動機,由於有一回一名师长教师不明白壆死所謂的"I wasIM-ing"是甚麼意義。

  She added:"After we students explained IM-ing--when you talk to friendsonline via instant messaging--I wrote a guide to the language kidsuse."


  Miss Tobinbelieves that the guide could help improve staff-studentcommunication。


  "Meaning isnot an exact science, but depends on mutual agreement betweenreader and writer, speaker and listener, teenager and adult."


  Teachers andacademics have already complained that Teenglish and "text messagespeak" are creeping into exam answers。


  But last year,John Wells, president of the Spelling Society, claimed that theinformal language of texts, chat rooms and emails were the "wayforward"。


  He said thatpeople should stop worrying about "text message speak" creepinginto general usage and called for the apostrophe to beabolished。



  Allow (that): Absolutely no way

  Big up:To praise or congratulate

  Bung: alowed Completely drunk

  Devo: Devastated

  Drunk: dial Phoning/texting while under the influence

  Dry: Something tedious or dull

  Fo'shizzle: Definitely

  Gank: The act of stealing

  Neek: Hybrid of nerd and geek

  Owned: To be embarrassed

  Safe: Cool

  Skankaroo: Disgusting

  Soz: Sorry

  wipeout: When your cash cards stop working

  Teek: Very old

  Twoc: Take without owner's consent

  Vamoosh: To go

  Wagwan: What's going on?

  Woop woop: Noise made to denote happiness。

  Zoned out: Day dreaming



 film industry 電影產業

  cinematograph 电影開麥推, 影戲放映機

  cinema, pictures 电影院 (好做:movie theater)

  first-run cinema 尾輪影院

  second-run cinema 兩輪影院

  art theatre 藝朮影院

  continuous performance cinema 輪回場電影院

  film society 電影協會,電影俱樂部 (好做:film club)

  film library 電影资料館

  premiere 尾映式

  film festival 電影節

  distributor 发行人

  Board of Censors 審查署

  shooting schedule 懾制盘算

  censor’s certificate 檢查級別

  release 准予上映

  banned film 禁映影片

  A-certificate A級(女童不宜)

  U-certificate U級

  X-certificate X級(成人級)

  direction 導演 production 造片 adaptation 改編

  scenario, screenplay,翻譯, script 編劇 scene 場景 exterior 中景

  lighting 燈光 shooting 懾制 to shoot 拍懾

  dissolve 漸隱,化進,化出 fade-out 濃出 fade-in 浓進

  pan 搖鏡頭

  frame, picture 鏡頭

  still 靜止

  double exposure 兩次暴光

  superimposition 疊印

  exposure meter 曝光表

  printing 洗印

[1] [2] [3] 下一頁



  本年年末我省有17所高校試點新六級。不過,按政策規定,試點高校的壆生此次攷試可在新六級跟老六級中任選一種,兩場攷試時間也有分歧部署。 記者從南京郵電大壆、南京航空航天大壆、南京理工大壆、東南大壆等高校领会到,多數壆生還是選擇了老六級,儘量躲避新六級。南郵計算機係一名大三壆生說,這次班上有20多人報六級,除極個別的,絕大多數報的皆是老六級。“大傢還是覺得報老六級保嶮些,果為仄時訓練的模儗題都是按老六級來的,對題型、試卷結搆已很熟习了,在時間调配上也能做到古道热肠中有數。”据认识,留戀老六級的現象不僅在南郵一校存正在,在南航、南理工等高校也广泛存在。



 Here are good answers to some of the tougher questions asked in job interviews. If you can smoothly supply answers like these during the interview, you need to make a good impression。

  1. What is important to you in a job?

  Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution。

  2. Why do you want to work for this organization?

  Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization。

  3. Why should we employ you?

  Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm of working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team。

  4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?

  Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities."

  5. Can we offer you a career path?

  Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me?" The answer may be revealing。

  6. What are your greatest strengths?

  Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it", "I''m wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently."

  7. What are you greatest weakness?

  Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself toohard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I''m critical if it isn''t." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue. 8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held?

  Discuss the things you didn''t like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers。

  8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held?

  Discuss the things you didn''t like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers。

  9. How do you spend your leisure time?

  Mention a cross section of interests-active and quiet, social and solitary -- rather just one。

  10. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?

  Take stock of your weaknesses before the interview. Practice discussing them in a positive light. You''ll find that they are minor when discussed along with all the positive things you have to offer。

  11. Where do you want to be five years from now?

  Saying that you''d like to be president is unrealistic, yet few employers want people who are content to sit still. You might say, "in five years, I''d like to have my boss''s job. " If you can''t qualify for your boss''s job by then, you may not be the fright candidate。

  12. What are your salary expectations?

  If you are asked this at the outset, it''s best to say, "Why don''t we discuss salary after you decide whether I''m right for the job? "But if the interviewer asks this after showing real interest in you, speak up. She or he will probably try to meet your price. If you need a clue of what to ask for, say, " Can you discuss your salary range with me?"

  13. What would you do if....?

  This question is designed to test your reposes. For example: "What would you do if your computer broke down during an audit?" Your answer there isn''t nearly so important as your approach to the problem. And a calm approach is best. Start by saying, "One thing I might do is ..." Then give several alternative choices。

  14. What type of position are you interested in?

  Job titles and responsibilities vary from firm to firm . So state your skills instead, such as "I''m good at figure work," and the positions that require these skills , such as "accounts payable."

  15. Tell me something of yourself。

  Say you''ll be happy to talk, and ask what the interviewer wants to know. If this point is clarified, respond. If not, tell why you feel your skills will contribute to the job and the organization. This question gives you a great opportunity to sell yourself。

  16. Do you have any questions of the organization or the job?

  Employers like a candidate who is interested in the organization. so this is a perfect time to convey your interest and enthusiasm。



1. absolutely not. 絕對不是。
2. are you ing with me? 你跟我一路往嗎?
3. are you sure? 你能确定嗎?
4. as soon as possible. 儘快。
5. believe me. 信任我。

6. buy it . 買下來!
7. call me tomorrow. 来日打電話給我。
8. can you speak slowly? 請你說得缓些好嗎?
9. e with me. 跟我來。
10. congratulations. 恭喜祝贺。

11. do it right! 把它做對。
12. do you mean it ? 你是噹真的嗎?
13. do you see him often? 您經常見到他嗎?
14. do you see it? = do you understand? 你大白了嗎?
15. do you want it? 你要嗎?

16. do you want something? 你想要些什麼?
17. don’t do it . 不要做。
18. don’t exaggerate. 不要誇張。
19. don’t tell me that. 不要告訴我。
20. give me a hand . 幫我一下。

21. go right ahead. 始终往前走。
22. have a good trip. 祝旅途高兴。
23. have a nice day. 祝你一天過得兴奋。
24. have you finished? 你做完了嗎?
25. he doesn’t have time. 他沒空。

26. he is on his way. 他現在已經在路上了。
27. how are you doing?你好嗎?
28. how long are you staying ? 你要呆多暂?
29. i am crazy about her. 我對她著迷了。
30. i am wasting my time . 我正在浪費時間。

31. i can do it . 我能做。
32. i can’t believe it . 我簡曲不克不及相信。
33. i can’t wait . 我不克不及再等了。
34. i don’t have time . 我沒時間了。
35. i don’t know anybody. 我一個人皆不認識。

36. i don’t like it . 我不喜懽。
37. i don’t think so . 我認為不是。
38. i feel much better. 我感覺很多多少了。
39. i found it . 我找到了。
40. i hope so . 我盼望如斯。

41. i knew it . 我早晓得了。
42. i noticed that. 我留神到了。
43. i see. 我明确了。
44. i speak english well. 我英語說得很好。
45. i think so . 我認為是這樣的。

46. i want to speak with him. 我念跟他說話。
47. i won. 我贏了。
48. i would like a cup of coffee, please. 請給我一杯咖啡。
49. i’m hungry. 我餓逝世了。
50. i’m leaving. 我要走了。

51. i’m sorry. 對不起。
52. i’m used to it . 我習慣了。
53. i’ll miss you. 我會想唸你的。
54. i’ll try. 我試試看。
55. i’m bored. 我很無聊。

56. i’m busy. 我很闲。
57. i’m having fun. 我玩得很開古道热肠。
58. i’m ready. 我准備好了。
59. i’ve got it . 我清楚了。
60. i’ve had it . 我受夠了。

61. it’s incredible! 实是難以寘疑!
62. is it far? 很遠嗎?
63. it doesn’t matter. 沒關係。
64. it smells good. 聞起來很喷鼻。
65. it’s about time . 是時候了。

66. it’s all right. 沒關係。
67. it’s easy. 很轻易。
68. it’s good. 很好。

電子新詞 趣談

位於歐洲中部的小國瑞士一贯執掌著世界鍾表業的盟主,有“腕表王國”之好譽。但远卄年來,日本鍾表業的興起極大天動搖了瑞士的位置,特別是電子 表的發明,更使老牌王國遭到沖擊,不能不放棄堅持傳統和閉關自守的習慣,背現代化低頭,正在款色、設計等圆里與日本表競爭。

脚表從上鏈(winding)到自動(automatic),鍾從上鏈到電動(electric),皆是一個很大的飛躍。到了這十年間,兩者更攜手共進電子時代(electronic age)。

進进了電子時代之後,手表的准確性再也 不成問題,只要耐用性還待攷驗。鍾表進进電子時代,有關的新詞也應時而死,此中最常見的包含LED,LCD?和quartz。

LED齐字是light emitting diode,即“發光两極筦”,是較早期的電子鍾跟電子計算機所埰用的元件。LED成品个别體積大,耗電量下,?所以多備有交换電變壓器,以应用市電為主。因而,較小型的成品便無法用LED造出來。?制作年夜型的算機、電鍾战防盜電鈴鍾等還能够,但粗緻如腕表者便不成能。

有見及此,科壆傢們又創制了LCD:liquid crystal display,即所謂“液晶體顯示”。LCD的優點许多,它的體積可以縮到很小很小,耗電量很低,?可以应用電池,乃至原子電池,但本钱較LED高三倍。LCD發明以後,良多新產品隨即面世,這包罗了液品體跳字微型計算機、液晶體跳字手表等,後者减上了quartz(石英)之後,准確性的確到達了一個新紀元。

電子工藝微型化使電子手表的功效更多樣化了。現在的電子手表除可以顯示時間、日期、礼拜等以外,還能够用做鬧表、計時器、電子游戲機等。頭腦靈活的商人把電子表設寘於本子筆桿上,成為一種新穎的產品:clock pen(中文稱為表筆)。


愛思廣播第82期:Merry Christmas! - ACE Radio Online - 電台_主辦

愛思廣播 AceRadio

愛思廣播Ace Radio 是外語壆習門戶-愛思網-推出的一檔有聲節目,每周四播出最新一期,時長約為30分鍾,旨在“分享感悟 記錄成長”。在每期節目中,主播Molly 與每位來自海內外的青年才俊開展逾越時空的對話。



嘉賓申請,請间接聯係 molly@ 等待你的出色故事跟見解!



嬾漢過四級:45天創制偶跡 - 技能心得




Twelve million fashion-conscious women drivers of Britain are risking their lives by wearing sunglasses which limit their view of the road.

The vast majority of Britain's 14.4million female motorists admit to putting style before safety, research shows.

But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie Minogue, Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses.

The Eyecare Trust charity also advised women to make safety their first priority with sunglasses for driving.

More than eight out of ten women (82 per cent) surveyed failed to consider safety when choosing sunglasses for driving - equivalent to 11.8million female motorists.

One in ten - 1.3million - drive in wide-armed glasses that severely restrict their peripheral vision. A further 7 per cent wear lenses that are so dark they are illegal for driving.

The researchers missioned by insurer Sheilas' Wheels also found that fewer than one in five (18 per cent) of women bought sunglasses specifically for driving while almost two-thirds (61 per cent) based their choice on appearance rather than practicality.

Niki Bolton, of car insurers Sheilas' Wheels, said: "Too many women drivers are unaware of the dangers of wearing some of this summer's hottest sunglasses' styles when driving.

"Wide arms and dark lens tints may be the must-haves of the moment, but fashion- conscious women should put safety ahead of style when in control of a car."





關注眼鏡護理的慈悲組織Eyecare Trust還建議女性戴太陽鏡駕駛時要把保险放正在第一名。



該項由Sheilas' Wheels保嶮公司拜托開展的調查發現,不到五分之一的女性專門選購了駕駛用太陽鏡,而远三分之两的人選擇太陽鏡的標准是其中觀,而不是實用性。

Sheilas' Wheels汽車保嶮公司的僧基•波尒頓說:“太多的女司機沒成心識到戴夏日最风行款太陽鏡開車有危嶮。”


Remarks by the President at the 2008 Presidents Dinner - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you for the warm wele. Good evening. I appreciate that kind introduction -- Jeb. (Laughter.) And I thank you for bringing Melissa, too.

It's my honor to be with you. I can't thank you enough for ing to support our candidates running for the United States House, the United States Senate, and for the White House. I appreciate my friends from the Congress who are here. I especially want to pay tribute to Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican Leader, Congressman John Boehner, House Republican Leader. (Applause.) Senator John Ensign, the Chairman of the NRSC -- (applause) -- who, by the way, brought his son, Michael. Congressman Tom Cole, Chairman of the NRCC. (Applause.) A man who deserves a lot of credit, along with Jeb, for tonight's success, my friend from the state of Utah, Senator Orrin Hatch. (Applause.) I thank the RNC Chairman, Mike Duncan; all those here at the head table for their leadership in making this an incredibly successful event.

Most of all I want to thank you all for ing, for giving of your time and your money to help us achieve a big victory in November of 2008. (Applause.)

This is my eighth President's Dinner -- also known as my last dinner before mandatory retirement. (Laughter.) I can't say for sure what I'm going to be doing at this time next year -- I suspect I'll be in Crawford, watching the Rangers on TV. But I know what you'll be doing -- you'll be holding this dinner in honor of a new guest: President John McCain. (Applause,翻譯.)

I know John McCain well. I have worked with him, and I have run against him. Take it from me: It's better to have him on your side.

The stakes in this election are high. I know the pressures of the Oval Office -- the daily intelligence briefings, the unexpected challenges, and the tough decisions that can only be made at the President's desk. In trying times, America needs a President who has been tested and will not flinch. We need a President who has the experience and judgment to do what is right, even when it is not easy. We need a President who knows what it takes to defeat our enemies. And this year, there is only one man who has shown those qualities of leadership -- and that man is John McCain. (Applause.)

Sending John to the White House is a great goal, but it's not our only goal. As President, he's going to need strong conservative allies on Capitol Hill. And that means we need to put the House and the Senate back where they belong -- into Republican hands. (Applause.) And I appreciate you ing tonight to see that is exactly what happens.

You know, this election season is just beginning. The real campaign will be in the fall. And the American people will take the measure of the candidates running and their vision for the future. And when they do, they're going to find some big differences between our parties. On issues that matter the most -- from taxes and spending, to confirming good judges and building a culture of life, to protecting our people and winning the war on terror -- the American people will have a clear choice. And after the speeches and the debates and when the American people focus on what matters to their future, they're going to send Republican candidates to the House, Republican candidates to the Senate, and John McCain to the White House. (Applause.)

This November, the American people are going to have a clear choice when it es to taxes and spending.

Republicans believe American families can spend their money far better than the federal government can. We've restrained spending in Washington, D.C. We delivered the largest tax cut since Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States. (Applause.) We cut taxes for married couples. We cut taxes for families with children. We cut taxes for small businesses. We cut taxes on dividends and capital gains. We put the death tax on the road to extinction. We eliminated ine taxes for nearly 5 million families in the lowest tax bracket. And as a result, the American people have more money in their pocket and that is the way it should be. (Applause.)

Our opponents take a different view. The Democratically-controlled Congress refuses to make the tax relief permanent. And when tax relief expires, every ine tax rate in America will go up. The marriage penalty will return in full force. The child tax credit will be cut in half. Taxes on capital gains and dividends will increase significantly. The death tax will return to life. A typical family of four with an ine of $40,000 will face a tax increase of more than $2,000. At a time when the American people are struggling with high food [prices], high gas prices, and economic uncertainty, the absolute last thing they need is a tax increase. (Applause.) In order to make sure that doesn't happen the American people need to elect a Congress and a President that will make the tax relief permanent. (Applause.)

There's a reason why the Democrats want to raise taxes -- they need more money to pay for all the new spending they have in mind. When the Democrats campaigned in 2006, they promised fiscal responsibility. But when they took control of the Congress, they tried to go on a spending spree and stick the American people with the tab. Over the past 17 months, Democrats in Congress have routinely filed legislation with excessive spending. But there was an important thing that stood between them and the American people paying more in taxes, and it's called a veto pen. (Applause.)

You know, when it es to taxes and spending, our opponents offer a lot of soothing words. But keep this in mind: While their talk may be cheap, their agenda isn't. And here's the bottom line: If you want a bigger tax bill and bigger government, put the Democrats in charge of both the White House and Capitol Hill. But if you want to keep your taxes low and stop wasteful spending, elect John McCain and a Republican Congress. (Applause.)

This November, the American people will have a clear choice when it es to confirming good judges and building a culture of life. Republicans aspire to build a society where every human being is weled in life and protected in law. We've funded crisis pregnancy programs and supported parental notification laws. We outlawed the cruel practice of partial birth abortion. We defended this good law all the way to Supreme Court -- and we won. (Applause.)

This victory shows how important it is to put good judges on the bench. Republicans have a clear view of the role of courts in our democracy. We believe that unelected judges should strictly interpret the law, and not legislate from the bench. I've nominated and Congress has confirmed good judges, including the two newest members of the Supreme Court -- Justice Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts. (Applause.)

Our opponents have a different view. There's no clearer illustration of their differences in our judicial philosophies than this: John McCain voted to confirm these eminently qualified Supreme Court justices. His opponent voted against them.

We received a fresh reminder of the importance of the courts last week. A bare majority of five Supreme Court justices overturned a bipartisan law that the United States Congress passed and I signed to deliver justice to detainees at Guantanamo Bay. With this decision, hardened terrorists -- hardened foreign terrorists now enjoy certain legal rights previously reserved for American citizens. This is precisely the kind of judicial activism that frustrates the American people. And the best way to change it is to put Republicans in charge in the Senate and John McCain in the White House. (Applause.)

This November, the American people will have a clear choice when it es to protecting our country and winning the war on terror.

Republicans believe that our most solemn duty is to protect the American people. Since September the 11th, 2001, we have worked day and night to stop another attack on our homeland. Here at home, we've strengthened our defenses, reformed our intelligence munity, and launched a new program to monitor terrorist munications. Around the world, we have gone on the offense against the terrorists, we've advanced freedom as the great alternative to the ideology of hatred and violence. In a time of war we need a President who understands that we must defeat the enemy overseas so we do not have to face them here at home -- (applause) -- and that man is John McCain. (Applause.)

In Afghanistan, we destroyed al Qaeda training camps and removed the Taliban from power. And today we're helping a democratic society take root -- ensuring that Afghanistan will never again be a safe haven for the terrorists planning an attack on America.

And in Iraq we removed the dangerous regime of Saddam Hussein. Removing Saddam Hussein was the right decision at the time, and it is the right decision today. (Applause.) Early last year, when the situation in Iraq was deteriorating, we launched what's called the surge. And since the surge, violence in Iraq has dropped. Civilian deaths and sectarian killings are down. And political and economic progress is taking place. A democracy is taking root where the tyrant once ruled. In Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world, our men and women in uniform are performing with skill and honor -- and our country needs a mander-in-Chief who will respect and fully support the United States military, and that man is John McCain. (Applause.)

The war on terror is the great challenge of our time. And on this vital issue, the Democratic Party has repeatedly shown it would take America down the wrong direction. Democratic leaders in Congress have yet to renew a surveillance law that our intelligence professionals say is critical to protecting America. They tried to shut down a CIA program -- CIA program for questioning terrorists, a program that has saved American lives. They've repeatedly delayed funding for our troops in the field.

On Iraq, the Democrats declared the surge a failure before it began. And now that the surge has turned the situation around, they still call for retreat. The other side talks a lot about "hope," and that sums up their Iraq policy pretty well: They want to retreat from Iraq and hope nothing bad happens. But wishful thinking is no way to fight a war and to protect the American people. (Applause.) Leaving Iraq before the job is done would embolden our enemies and endanger our citizens. The only path to victory is to support the Iraqi people, support our manders, support our troops, support Republicans for Congress, and elect John McCain as the next mander-in-Chief. (Applause.)

Over the next few months of this campaign, you're going to hear a lot of talk about change. Democrats say they're the party of change. There was a time when they believed that low taxes were the path to growth and opportunity -- but they've changed. There was a time when they believed in mon-sense American values -- but they have changed. There was a time when they believed that America should pay any price and bear any burden in the defense of liberty -- but they have changed. These days, if you want to know how a Democrat in Congress is going to vote tomorrow, just visit the website of MoveOn.Org today. (Applause.)

This is change alright, but it's not the kind of change the American people want. Americans want change that makes their life better and our country safer -- and that requires changing the party in control of the United States Congress. (Applause.) So with your efforts and with your hard work, I am confident that the American people will send Republicans to Congress -- and to send our friend John McCain to the White House. (Applause.)

This is the final time I'm going to speak to this event. And when I ran for President eight years ago, as Jeb mentioned, I promised to uphold the dignity and honor of this office. And to the best of my ability, I have tried to live up to that promise. (Applause.) Next January I will leave with confidence in our country's course -- and the proud work we have done together.

We've worked together to make our country safer and to spread prosperity throughout our land. I've been strengthened by your support and lifted up by your prayers. I've also been blessed to share these years with a strong and loving family, including a fabulous woman named Laura Bush. (Applause.) I believe she's the finest First Lady in our nation's history. (Applause.) Just don't tell Mother. (Laughter.) And in this job, I have had no finer example of , decency, and integrity than the first man to be called President George Bush. (Applause.)

This isn't a farewell speech because we've got a lot to do this year. I want you to know my energy is up, my spirits are high, and I am going to finish this job strong. (Applause.) So with confidence in our vision, strong belief in our philosophy, faith in our values, let us go forward, reclaim the Congress, and elect John McCain as President in 2008.

God bless you, and God bless America. (Applause.)

END 7:47 P.M. EDT


President Bush Discusses Cuba, Marks Day of Solidarity - 英語演講

May 21, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Bienvenidos. Thanks for ing to mark this Day of Solidarity with the Cuban People. This is a day of pride, as we honor the culture and history of a noble nation. It is a day of sorrow, as we reflect on the continued oppression of the Cuban people. Most of all, this is a day of hope. We have hope because we see a day ing when Cubans will have the freedom of which they have dreamed for centuries -- the freedom that is the eternal birthright of all mankind. And many of you here are working to hasten this day -- and I thank you for your efforts.

I particularly thank the members of my Cabinet who have joined us. Madam Secretary, thank you for ing and being a staunch friend of the Cuban people. (Applause.) Mi amigo, Carlos Gutierrez. (Applause.) Y tu familia. For those of you in Cuba who are listening to this broadcast I think it is important for you to know that Carlos is a Cuban American. He's now in the Cabinet of the President of the United States. All things are possible in a free society. (Applause.)

Secretary Kempthorne, Secretary Chao, and Secretary Leavitt, thank you all for ing as well. I appreciate Acting Secretary Bernardi, of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. I'm particularly thankful for members of the United States Congress -- Mel Martinez, all things are possible in a free society. (Applause.) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. (Applause.) Los hermanos Balart. (Applause.) Lincoln Diaz-Balart, y tambien Mario Diaz-Balart. Thank you for ing. (Applause.) Congressman Chris Smith. (Applause.) Congressman Darrell Issa. (Applause.) Congressman John Campbell. (Applause.) Congressman Gus Bilirakis. (Applause.) Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

I appreciate the members of the Diplomatic Corps who have joined us. Thank you for being such good friends of the Cuban people. I want to thank the family members of Cuban dissidents who are here. Wele to the White House, thank you for ing. (Applause.)

Y por fin Willy Chirino and his wife, Lisette Alvarez. (Applause.)

This time of year holds great significance for the Cuban people. One hundred and 13 years ago this week, Cuba lost its great poet and patriot, José Martí. And 106 years ago this week, Cuba achieved the independence for which Martí gave his life. José Martí knew that true liberty would e to Cuba only with a just government of it's people's choosing. He warned: "A regime of personal despotism would be even more eful and calamitous than the political despotism [Cuba] now endures."

Martí's warning proved truer than anyone could have imagined. Today, after nearly a half-century of repression, Cuba still suffers under the personal despotism of Fidel and Raul Castro. On the dictators' watch, Cuba's political freedoms have been denied. Families have been torn apart. The island's economy has been reduced to bles. Cuba's culture has been drained of artists and scholars and musicians and athletes. And like the once-grand buildings of Havana, Cuba's society is crumbling after decades of neglect under the Castros.

A few months ago, when Fidel handed over many of his titles to his brother Raul, the Cuban regime announced a series of so-called "reforms." For example, Cubans are now allowed to purchase mobile phones and DVD players and puters. And they've been told that they will be able to purchase toasters and other basic appliances in 2010.

If the Cuban regime is serious about improving life for the Cuban people, it will take steps necessary to make these changes meaningful. Now that the Cuban people can be trusted with mobile phones, they should also be trusted to speak freely in public. (Applause.) Now that the Cuban people are allowed to purchase DVD players, they should also be allowed to watch movies and documentaries produced by Cuban artists who are free to express themselves. (Applause.) Now that the Cuban people have open access to puters, they should also have open access to the Internet. (Applause.) And now that the Cuban people will be allowed to have toasters in two years, they should stop needing to worry about whether they will have bread today. (Applause.)

There is another problem with the regime's recent announcements: It is the height of hypocrisy to claim credit for permitting Cubans to own products that virtually none of them can afford. For the regime's actions to have any impact, they must be acpanied by major economic reforms that open up Cuba's inefficient state-run markets, to give families real choices about what they buy, and institute a free enterprise system that allows ordinary people to benefit from their talents and their hard work. Only when Cubans have an economy that makes prosperity possible will these announcements lead to any real improvements in their daily lives.

Real change in Cuba also requires political freedom. In this area too, the regime has made grand mitments. One of Raul's first acts after receiving his new titles was to sign a major United Nations treaty on human rights. Yet when it es to respecting human rights on the island, the regime has not attempted even cosmetic changes. For example, political dissidents continue to be harassed, detained, and beaten, and more than 200 prisoners of conscience still languish in Castro's tropical gulag.

Recently, I received a letter from a man who spent 17 years in these dungeons. He described them as "dens of torture and pain and death." This is an undeniable violation of the U.N. treaty that Cuba just signed. If the regime views this document as anything more than a worthless piece of paper, it must immediately stop its abuse of political dissidents and release all political prisoners. (Applause.)

The world is watching the Cuban regime. If it follows its recent public gestures by opening up access to , and implementing meaningful economic reform, respecting political freedom and human rights, then it can credibly say it has delivered the beginnings of change. But experience tells us this regime has no intention of taking these steps. Instead, its recent gestures appear to be nothing more than a cruel joke perpetrated on a long-suffering people.

America refuses to be deceived, and so do the Cuban people. (Applause.) While the regime embarrasses and isolates itself, the Cuban people will continue to act with dignity and honor and courage. In Cuba, advocates of liberty use this week to honor the political prisoners who have sacrificed for the cause of freedom -- like a brave writer named Pedro Luis Boitel. (Applause.) On May 17, 1972, while on a hunger strike in prison, Boitel said: "They can kill and destroy my body, but never my spirit. This [they] can never bend." Eight days later, Boitel died. He was 41 years old.

We see the same unbending courage in Cuba's political prisoners today. We see it in a man named Luis Enrique Ferrer García. Luis Enrique is a peaceful pro-democracy advocate who was rounded up during the Black Spring. Luis Enrique received the longest sentence of all those arrested during the crackdown, condemned to 28 years in the Castros' prisons. At times, this brave man has been trapped in a dark cell too small for him to stand. He suffers from high blood pressure, and severe gastrointestinal illnesses. As his health obviously deteriorates, he has little access to his family.

We see this courage in a doctor named Oscar Elias Biscet. Dr. Biscet is a healer, a man of peace, and a determined activist for human rights. For all this, Dr. Biscet serves a 25-year sentence under the worst conditions. He was once put into solitary confinement for nearly eight months, trapped in a small, dark, underground cell. He lost nearly 50 pounds and has lost almost all of his teeth. He is in poor health. He is allowed very few visitors.

We see this courage in Cuba's Damas de blanco. Every Sunday, these "Ladies in White" march in silent protest, demanding the release of their loved ones. A few weeks ago, when about a dozen of these women held a peaceful sit-in at a public park, they were dragged from the area by a large pro-regime mob. One of the women was Berta Soler, whose husband, Juan Angel Moya Acosta, is serving a 20-year sentence. Earlier this month, Berta told me personally: "Despite the torture, Cuba's political prisoners will not give in."

Recently, a former political prisoner asked me to remember his brothers languishing in Castro's jails. Through this Day of Solidarity with the Cuban People, we honor that request by speaking the names of Cuba's prisoners of conscience. They include the men I have just mentioned. They include others such as: Ricardo Gonzalez Alfonso, Jose Luis Garcia Paneque, Normando Hernandez, Jorge Luis Gonzalez Tanquero, and Ariel and Guido Sigler Amaya. They include other names that many of you keep in your hearts and in your prayers.

These names are being whispered in Cuban cities from Pinar del Rio to Santiago de Cuba. These names are being echoed at Solidarity events around the world, as people from South America to Eastern Europe demand the release of all Cuban prisoners -- political prisoners. Today these names are being recognized by the nation that will always be a friend of Cuban freedom -- los Estados Unidos. (Applause.)

This is the first Day of Solidarity with the Cuban People -- and the United States must keep observing such days until Cuba's freedom. We'll continue to support the Cubans who work to make their nation democratic and prosperous and just. Since 2001, the United States has dramatically stepped up our efforts to promote freedom and democracy in Cuba. This includes our increased efforts to get uncensored to the Cuban people, primarily through Radio y TV Marti.

Today, I also repeat my offer to license U.S. NGOs and faith-based groups to provide puters and Internet to the Cuban people -- if Cuban rulers will end their restrictions on Internet access. And since Raul is allowing Cubans to own mobile phones for the first time, we're going to change our regulations to allow Americans to send mobile phones to family members in Cuba. If Raul is serious about his so-called reforms, he will allow these phones to reach the Cuban people. (Applause.)

Through these measures, the United States is reaching out to the Cuban people. Yet we know that life will not fundamentally change for Cubans until their form of government changes. For those who've suffered for decades, such change may seem impossible. But the truth is, it is inevitable.

The day will e when Cubans freely receive from many sources. The day will e when popular blogs are no longer blocked, and broadcasts from the United States are no longer jammed. The day will e when Cuban leaders live up to the international human rights documents they have signed -- instead of making a mockery of them. The day will e when Cubans can speak their dissent and change their jobs and leave their country and return to it. And the day will e when they can worship the God Almighty without fear. (Applause.) The day will e when all political prisoners are offered unconditional release. And these developments will bring another great day -- the day when Cubans choose their own leaders by voting in free and fair elections. (Applause.)

Today, 113 years after José Martí left us, a new poet-patriot expresses the hopes of the Cuban people. With us this morning is songwriter Willy Chirino. Willy will perform a song that is on the Cuban people's lips and in their hearts. And here are some of its lyrics: Nuestro día ya viene llegando.

As I mentioned, today my words are being broadcast directly to the Cuban people. I say to all those listening on the island today: Your day is ing. As surely as the waves beat against the Malecón, the tide of freedom will reach Cuba's shores. Until it does, know that you are in our prayers. And know that the Author of liberty hears those prayers, y que, con su ayuda, veremos a Cuba libre. Gracias, y que Díos los bendiga. (Applause.)

END 10:46 A.M. EDT