

Twelve million fashion-conscious women drivers of Britain are risking their lives by wearing sunglasses which limit their view of the road.

The vast majority of Britain's 14.4million female motorists admit to putting style before safety, research shows.

But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie Minogue, Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses.

The Eyecare Trust charity also advised women to make safety their first priority with sunglasses for driving.

More than eight out of ten women (82 per cent) surveyed failed to consider safety when choosing sunglasses for driving - equivalent to 11.8million female motorists.

One in ten - 1.3million - drive in wide-armed glasses that severely restrict their peripheral vision. A further 7 per cent wear lenses that are so dark they are illegal for driving.

The researchers missioned by insurer Sheilas' Wheels also found that fewer than one in five (18 per cent) of women bought sunglasses specifically for driving while almost two-thirds (61 per cent) based their choice on appearance rather than practicality.

Niki Bolton, of car insurers Sheilas' Wheels, said: "Too many women drivers are unaware of the dangers of wearing some of this summer's hottest sunglasses' styles when driving.

"Wide arms and dark lens tints may be the must-haves of the moment, but fashion- conscious women should put safety ahead of style when in control of a car."





關注眼鏡護理的慈悲組織Eyecare Trust還建議女性戴太陽鏡駕駛時要把保险放正在第一名。



該項由Sheilas' Wheels保嶮公司拜托開展的調查發現,不到五分之一的女性專門選購了駕駛用太陽鏡,而远三分之两的人選擇太陽鏡的標准是其中觀,而不是實用性。

Sheilas' Wheels汽車保嶮公司的僧基•波尒頓說:“太多的女司機沒成心識到戴夏日最风行款太陽鏡開車有危嶮。”


