Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show. The 29-year-old is also known for TV shows such as Veronica Mars and Heroes。
果出演《好眉校探》跟《好漢》等電視劇而成名 29 歲女星克裏斯汀•貝我曝料稱,她已揹《緋聞女孩》的制作圓申請正在該劇中客串演出。
在上裏的報導中,cameo appearance 即是我們常說的“客串演出”,如果演員在劇中 make a cameo appearance(客串),我們就可以夠說他 in a cameo role(出演了客串腳色),而那種 cameo role 但凡皆不太重要。
Cameo 用做名詞時指“浮彫,有浮彫的寶石”,但用在影視劇中,意義則是 a literary sketch, small dramatic scene, or the like, that effectively presents or depicts its subject(能夠有效襯托主題的影視劇的小品或文教片斷)。
別的,偺們也經常应用 guest appearance 往表現“客串”,這類時辰個別由 special guest star(特邀演員)來出演 guest role(客串腳色)。